Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Music is us (free Choice)

For my free choice blog i have decided to write about something that is a must have in my life, and that is music. Imagine a world without any music, nor instruments, scary isn't it? Music is something that inspires us, relaxes us, motivates us, hypes us, even saddens us. I'm not trying to say that people need to start listening to music, because every single person on this planet listens to it. I believe music helps us shape ourselves into the people we become. Music can also be a source of what you might say natural medicine, helping us feel better about ourselves and just uplift our soul. Also music can teach us things about the world that teachers cant really teach us in school, which can help us expand our minds and view things in different ways. Music will always be there when we need it, just like a best friend. Bob Marley once said "One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain" and i find that to be true. So in conclusion remember that music is always there for you whenever you need it, and hopefully that will never change. Sorry this blog is pretty random but it was just something i wanted to get out there.

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