This article written by John W. Whitehead discusses the

He starts of the article by using a survey as an example of how our nations high schools are struggling to teach students the value of freedom of speech, as well as our constitution. He uses the survey to say "As a result, the horrific lesson being taught to our young people is that the government has absolute power over its citizens and young people have very little freedom".
Later in the article Whitehead shares stories of real people who have fallen victim of freedom of speech in there schools. One story is about a girl named Brittany McComb who was valedictorian of her high school. Her letter was denied by the school board because she wrote about religious beliefs, she also had few bible verses as well. Knowing her letter wasn't approved, Brittany used the original letter instead. While she was giving her speech, faculty noticed it was the original copy and unplugged her microphone.
I believe Whitehead did a good job on this article because he got his message across quickly. He also had good usage with surveys, and stories to help him explain what actually is going on in schools across the nation. This article makes me think that schools are killing creativity and stopping students from being the person they want to be in life.